Crowns and Bridges Procedure

Dental crowns and bridges are common dental restorations that are used to improve the function, health, and appearance of Knoxville, TN area patients’ smiles.

What are crowns and bridges?

Dental crowns, often called tooth caps, are custom-made pieces of porcelain or another high-quality, durable dental material that is placed over the top of a tooth to cover its entire surface. A dental bridge is a tooth replacement option that is designed to “bridge the gap” left by one or more missing teeth and typically consists of false teeth that are anchored in place with crowns on the neighboring teeth. However, some patients may choose an implant-supported bridge instead of a traditional bridge, which uses dental implants that are strategically placed in your jawbone to provide a stable and strong foundation for the dental bridge rather than dental crowns.

Why might I need a crown or bridge?

Dental bridges are designed to replace one or more missing teeth in a row, such as front teeth that have been knocked out in an injury or teeth that have been extracted due to decay or gum disease.

Dental crowns are used in a variety of circumstances to protect a damaged tooth, restore its natural shape and function, and/or enhance the appearance of a tooth. Dental crowns are commonly recommended in the following circumstances:

  • Significant decay or damage to a tooth has occurred
  • Large breaks, chips, or fractures in a tooth
  • A tooth has been weakened due to multiple restorations or large fillings
  • After root canal therapy
  • To anchor a dental bridge in place
  • To place on top of a dental implant as a tooth replacement

In addition, a front tooth cap might be used as an alternative to porcelain veneers to cosmetically improve the appearance of a tooth.

What should I expect when I am getting a crown or bridge placed?

Getting a crown on a tooth or a bridge placed typically takes two visits. In the first visit, we will first prepare your teeth for the crown or bridge placement by shaping it to the ideal size for the crown to be placed over the teeth. Then, we will take dental impressions so that your crown or bridge can be custom-made in the laboratory for your unique mouth. At this time, we may place a temporary restoration in your mouth until your permanent restoration is ready.

Once we have your crown or bridge, you will come back into the office and we will try it on and make any adjustments necessary to ensure that it looks, fits, and functions well. Once both you and Dr. Costa are satisfied, he cements it into your mouth to form a strong and sturdy bond.

How do I take care of my crown or bridge after treatment?

After your treatment, you may experience some tooth sensitivity or soreness in your gums, which is normal. This typically dissipates within a few days and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Regular brushing (twice per day), flossing daily, and routine hygiene visits to Knoxville Smiles at Malone & Costa Dentistry will help ensure that your restoration lasts as long as possible and the underlying teeth stay healthy.

How do I learn more?

Call Knoxville Smiles at Malone & Costa Dentistry at (865) 539-1776 to talk to a member of our dental team today! Our office is conveniently located in Knoxville, TN and serves patients in the Powell, Farragut, Seymour, Maryville, Oak Ridge, Karns, and surrounding communities.

Bridges - Dr. Michael Costa

Dental Bridges
Video Transcript

A bridge is a non-surgical way to replace one or many teeth. A bridge uses the adjacent teeth as anchors to support the missing tooth or teeth. With today’s dental advancements, a bridge can be fabricated in a fairly short period of time, using a metal or nonmetal foundation. Don’t let that missing tooth affect the way you speak, eat, and smile. Bridges yield immediate results that last a lifetime. Ask your dentist what type of bridge may be right for you.

Dr. Micheal Costa

Dr. Costa

Dr. Stephen Malone

Dr. Malone

Knoxville Smiles at Malone & Costa Dentistry offers a unique dental care experience to our patients in Knoxville, Tennessee, and the surrounding areas. The crew is committed to protecting and increasing the natural beauty of your smile by employing conservative, cutting-edge techniques that result in attractive, long-lasting smiles!

Our dedicated and experienced team of doctors includes Dr. Stephen Malone, D.M.D., University of Louisville, and Dr. Michael Costa, D.D.S., UNC School of Dentistry, M.H.A., UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health in Chapel Hill, NC. They are firm believers in continuing education to provide their patients with the finest possible care.

Drs. Costa and Malone see their patients as real partners in their service. Our team is committed to making your dental care journey as pleasant as possible.

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